Yo, hello there!

I'm Yehezkiel Gunawan, a front-end engineer. You can call me Yehez. Recently, I'm learning React and its libraries while working in its ecosystem. To sharpen my understanding of something, I usually push myself to craft some projects and publish them here. Sometimes, I write some blogs to share my experience, testimonies, or tips & tricks as a frontend developer.

Besides of programming things, I like to explore some new tech stuff, playing games sometimes, visit cosplay event, photography (using my Sony a6000), do streaming in my Youtube channel, and watching animes. Oh by the way, if you don't mind, you can support me through Ko-fi or Trakteer to keep this site alive and maintained.

Fun Fact: Actually, I'm still struggling with native CSS even I'm a frontend engineer, LOL.


Work Experience

Part-time Frontend Engineer


Jan 2024 - Now

Frontend Engineer


Jan 2022 - Jan 2024

Cloud Instructor & Mentor

Bangkit Academy

Feb 2022 - Jun 2022

Cloud Computing Advisor

Bangkit Academy

Feb 2021 - Dec 2021

Frontend Engineer


Sep 2020 - Nov 2021

Laboratory Assistant

Universitas Multiemdia Nusantara

Jan 2018 - Dec 2020

QA Automation Intern


Jun 2019 - Sep 2019

About Me